“Dakeno Kakari” is an art project by (mostly) Tone and Marie.
Their peculiar band name is a word play based on a Japanese phrase that means to offer a soundtrack for an ending world.
Tone and Marie have been involved in some obscure heavy metal bands based in Japan. But they had something else in their mind. That was indie rock. That was acoustic music. Something not bound by genre. It was music about their everyday life.
While Tone and Marie lived their life together, they found their gender roles were not very typical not only at work, but also in music. Tone’s voice was more epicene than masculine, and Marie was better at keeping rhythms than singing lead.
So they decided not to follow a popular formula when they think of their role in making music. Inspiration was always in their life. They put it in their music straightforward. They didn’t care about time, place, language or culture. There was no right nor wrong.
The result is some kind of mixture between indie rock, punk, 1980’s new wave, and Japanese anime. It defies categorization, it defies fashion, and it challenges the definition of “pop”.
Listening to Dakeno Kakari’s music is like reading a well written novel. In a world that is full of 15-seconds social media glitters, Dakeno Kakari is wanting to offer something more. Their music is often a personal message with hidden meanings. It’s a story full of connotations and innuendos. A short story you can read while drinking your favorite tea.
We hope you enjoy the ride.
Dakeno KakariはToneとMarieによるアートプロジェクト。
Dakeno Kakariの音楽を聴くことははまるで小説を読んでいるかのようだ。ソーシャルメディアの15秒のグリッターがすべてとなった世界で、Dakeno Kakariはより人間的な何かを提供したい。彼らの音楽は個人的な、隠されたメッセージが込められたものだ。それはお気に入りのお茶を飲みながら読むことの出来る短編小説であり、きっと何らかの余韻を君の中に残すだろう。