First Live Show in Tokyo
The first live concert for Dakeno Kakari is scheduled on May 1st 2022, at Gemini Theater, Futako-tamagawa, Tokyo. It’s funny because this is not something we planned. We somehow are
soundtrack for an ending world
The first live concert for Dakeno Kakari is scheduled on May 1st 2022, at Gemini Theater, Futako-tamagawa, Tokyo. It’s funny because this is not something we planned. We somehow are
Our first EP “Greetings” is now on Spotify and also on Bandcamp.This is actually based on the materials we posted on our main band’s Patreon page. It’s a little baby
Our first song “Changing Sky” is now on Spotify. We really like this artwork photo.Hope you enjoy the song. 私たちDakeno Kakariの最初の曲 “Changing Sky”がSpotifyに掲載されました。このジャケットの写真が気に入っています。スタートにふさわしい。素敵な未来を奏でていきます。