We just posted our very first song on YouTube.
The song is called “Changing Sky”.
It’s a very gentle, relaxing song done in a good old indie rock way.
If you know about us, this is actually a song we wrote for the Patreon page of our main band last year.
This time we wrote the Japanese lyrics and now the song sounds very different.
If you are curious, the lyrics are loosely based on the famous “Serenity Prayer”, even though we are not sure how many of our Japanese friends will take notice.
Our little band called “Dakeno Kakari” starts here, but we already have 2 EPs recorded and ready for release.
You know, we are very slow at doing business…
But our first EP “Greetings” is set to be released on April 8th, 2022.
You can find the release here.
ToneとMarieによるプロジェクト、Dakeon Kakariがようやくスタート。
ご挨拶がわりの最初の曲「Changing Sky」をYouTubeにポストしました。